Mill City Assembly of God

Love God.
Love People.
Make a difference.

Join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00 am


Pastors Jim & Dorothy Rugg

Senior & Associate Pastor

Rev. James G. Rugg & Rev. Dorothy Rugg are Ordained Ministers with the Assemblies of God. They celebrate over 41 years of marriage, have three beautiful daughters, two wonderful sons in law and four precious grandchildren.

Pastor Dorothy Rugg & Cassandra Bell

Women's Ministry Leaders

Pastor Dorothy loves sharing from God’s WORD with others and her favorite quote is THE WORD, THE WORD, THE WORD!! She likes to encourage others and has a desire to see people grow in their walk with the LORD. She truly likes serving wherever there is a need and tries her best to help whenever she can.

Cassandra has served the Lord as a Children’s Pastor and Sunday School teacher; and she has been active in Women’s Ministry for 10 years, is a lay Chaplain at the local hospital, and loves to study and teach the Word. Cassandra has a passion to teach and mentor women to have a personal relationship with the Lord, so they experience the love Jesus has for them.

Together, Pastor Dorothy & Cassandra, want to invest in the lives of women, not only in the church, but all women that they come in contact with. They desire to see many saved and living their lives to the fullest in Christ JESUS.

Irving Mawolo

Men's Ministry

Hello!  My name is Irving and I am married to my wife, Hannah.  I grew up in Liberia, West Africa, and I earned my bachelors in Biblical Studies at African Bible College and later earned a masters at Southern California Seminary.  I have enjoyed being involved in ministry ever since in different areas including being the Dean of Men at ABC, teaching Sunday School, serving as a Board Member, and leading small groups.  Recently, my wife Hannah and I moved from Arizona to be close to family here.  Some of my passions are fishing, sports, and meeting people.  Here at Mill City A/G, I am excited to be leading the Men’s group as well as serving as a board member.   Men’s Fellowship meets on the 4th Sunday of the month at 6 pm for a time of study, discussion, and fellowship.  Come on out!

Pastor John VanHouten Jr

Youth Ministry Leader

Pastor John VanHouten is the Youth pastor at Mill City Assembly of God.  He, along with his wife Missy are passionate to see the youth won to Christ and for them to become disciples of Jesus for the rest of their lives.  Their goal is to see youth grow in their walk with the LORD, they want God’s Word to live in their hearts so they will continue their walk with the LORD into adulthood.

Pastor John and Missy want to prepare them for the tough challenges they will face, carrying on the principals and the compassion of Jesus. God desires that not one soul be lost!  They want to help the youth through the tough times and good times of life. They want to see the youth enjoy life in the NOW for Christ.

They have a great love for the youth and are excited to see them grow and flourish in God’s Word.  They desire to help them use and unwrap their talents and gifts that God has placed within them.   They want to equip this generation to for forth in power to lead future generations to Christ.

We invite the teens ages 12 and up to come and join us on Wednesday nights at 6 pm!!   We live in exciting times and as Paul says in 1 Timothy 4:12 (NKJV)  Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.

Nicole Thurman - Kids Ministry Director

Mercy Lane Kids

My adventure in children’s ministries began at an early age helping my parents as they pastored a home missions church in Silver Creek, NY.

I attended Messiah College where I earned a B.S. in Elementary Education.

I worked in the inner city of Baltimore until I married my husband, Dan in 2000, started our family, and moved back to Mill City, PA. I have been involved in children’s ministry ever since.

We have lead Wednesday kids groups, worked in the nursery, led Vacation Bible Schools and taught Sunday School and Junior Church classes.

My passion for Children’s Ministry comes from the verses found in Matthew 19:14-15 “But Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” And He placed His hands on their heads and blessed them before He left.”

My desire is that children know they can come to Jesus; that He has plans and purposes for their lives. I want children and their families to feel encouraged in their development of their faith. I desire for the blessing and favor of God be upon our children.

Erin Rugg


Erin has grown up in the church.  At the early age of 5, she asked  Jesus to come live in her heart and she says she has been on a journey with Him ever since.  Erin also started playing guitar at the same time.  She started her church music ministry by sitting on the front row with her big plastic guitar playing for Jesus.  As the years have gone on, she has also learned how to play drums and piano.   Erin spent two years at the University of Valley Forge majoring in church music.  She has been leading worship at Mill City Assembly of God for many years now.  We, as Mercy Lane Worship, desire to grow closer to the Father through worship and to help others experience the same desire to draw close to the LORD.   One of the things that Erin loves to do is raise up others and encourage them in their calling to worship.

Psalm 100:2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Some of our Current Events

Saturday, March 15


Evening of Prayer

Saturday, March 29


Ladies Craft Day

Please contact the church to let us know you are coming.
$5 donation for supplies.